Date |
Subject |
Document |
27/02/2024 |
Rules of Business (Standing Order) |
20/06/2022 |
Ban on Single Use Plastic items in all Government Offices w.e.f. 1st July, 2022 |
25/05/2022 |
Disposal of cases in the Environment and Climate Change Department (STANDING ORDER) |
22/07/2021 |
Guidelines for Environmental Management of Dairy Faims and Gaushalas CPCB - Ordered by NGT |
08/05/2020 |
4.34th Meeting of the SEIAA Minutes of Meeting |
15/10/2019 |
Environmental Clearance for Municipal Solid Waste processing and disposal project promoted by Allied Ganganagar Eco Greens Pvt. Ltd. Toatal Area-20000 Sq. mtr. Total capacity 100 MT per day, Estimated project cost 15.97 Crore, At Khasra no. 58 (Murrabba no 41-44) Village Netewala, Tehsil and District Ganganagar, Rajasthan |
21/08/2019 |
Revised Office Order in compliance of Hon'ble NGT in matter of OA No. 606/2018 dated 16.01.2019 |
18/06/2019 |
Information for Meeting dated 24.06.2019 |
11/06/2019 |
Information for Environment Clearance Disposal |
04/06/2019 |
Directions of the Hon'ble National Green Tribunal in O.A. No. 186/2016, 200/2016, 580/2016, O.A. no 102/2017, 520/2016 dated 13.09.2018 and 11.12.2018 in the matter of Satendra Pandey Vs MoEF & others and other similar matters. |
30/05/2019 |
Air Quality in 5 Non-attainment Ciities "State Level Steering Committee" in compliance of guidelines dated 24.04.2019 of MoEF & CC for " National Clean Air Programme". |
30/05/2019 |
"State Level Steering Committee" in compliance of guidelines dated 24.04.2019 of MoEF & CC for " National Clean Air Programme". |
30/05/2019 |
"District Level Implementation Committee" in compliance of guidelines of MoEF & CC dated 24.04.2019 for " National Clean Air Programme". |
27/05/2019 |
Requires Technical Sectoral Officer for Sate Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA). |
27/04/2019 |
4.10th Meeting of the SEIAA Minutes of Meeting |
07/03/2019 |
In the matter of OA 1038/2018 taken up on the basis of news item published in "The Asian Age" by Sanjay Kaw titled CPCB to rank industrial units on pollution level. |
19/02/2019 |
Office Memorandum of Guideline for obtaining EC for Stone crushing units/ M-Sand manufacturing units on the mining lease area |
19/02/2019 |
4.6th Meeting of the SEIAA Minutes of Meeting |
05/02/2019 |
Information of Short Term Tender for Machine with Men |
04/02/2019 |
Requires Technical Sectoral Officer for State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) |
10/01/2019 |
Disposal of cases in the Environment Department (STANDING ORDER) |
04/01/2019 |
Requires Technical Sectoral Officer for State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA) |
04/01/2019 |
Information of Short Term Tender for Men with Machine |
13/12/2018 |
Compliance NGT Writ Petition No. 520/2016 dated 11.12.2016 |
22/11/2018 |
Constitute of " Air Quality Monitoring Committee" (AQMC) in compliance of the order Hon'ble NGT in OA No. 681/2018 |
06/11/2018 |
Constitute of "Special Environment Surveillance Task Force" in compliance of the order of Hon'ble NGT Order OA No. 673/2018. |
06/11/2018 |
Consistitute of "River Rejuvenation Committee " (RRC) in compliance of the order of Hon'ble NGT order OA No. 673/2018. |
16/11/2018 |
SEIAA/SEAC members detail as per MOEF Notification Dated 12.09.2018, S.O. 4797 (E). |
12/02/2018 |
Regarding EC to M/s Himmada Integrated Textile Park, Balotra dated 09.02.2018 |
20/12/2017 |
Hon'ble NGT (Central Zonal Bench Bhopal) in the matter of OA Number 45/2017, Nityendra Manav Vs State of Raj. and Ors., compliance by department |
03/11/2017 |
Ban on use of Petcoke and Furnace Oil in NCR Region |
23/08/2017 |
Public Notice |
11/08/2017 |
Outcome of the 153rd to 163rd Meetings of SEAC |
27/03/2017 |
Cancellation of EC for mining lease No. 11/99, to Ms Hukum Singh & Company, under the provision of Para 8(vi) of EIA Notification, 2006 |
26/09/2016 |
Regarding Payment DEIAA/DEAC non Government Members travelling allowance |
03/12/2014 |
Disposal of cases in the Environment Department (STANDING ORDER) |
03/01/2014 |
Constitution of Committee to Identify Wet Lands under Wet Lands (Conservation & Management) Rules, 2010 |
03/01/2014 |
Minutes of the first meeting of the Committee constituted to identify Wet Lands held on 03/01/2014. |
23/11/2012 |
Transfer Order for Director and Deputy Secretary, Environment Department |
01/07/2009 |
Disposal of cases in the Environment Department (STANDING ORDER) |