Bio-Medical Waste Management

S.No. Act/Rules Link
1. Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (Amended) - 10.05.2019 PDF-Logo
2. Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (Amended) - 19.02.2019 PDF-Logo

Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016 (Amended) - 16.03.2018


Bio-medical Waste Management Rules, 2016

5. Delivery of Services under RGDPS Act 2011 of Bio Medical Waste PDF-Logo
6. Delivery of Services & its Redress Mechanisms per Statute of Bio Medical Waste PDF-Logo
S.No. Important Orders/Guidelines Link
1. Procedure for Online Application of Authorization for Bio-Medical Waste PDF-Logo
2. Revised Checklist of documents for CTE/CTO and Authorization PDF-Logo PDF-Logo
3. Fee Notification of Bio Medical Waste Management PDF-Logo
4. Circular regarding acceptance of Consent/Authorization Application Form with all required documents in soft copy PDF-Logo 
5. Applicability of STP in HCFs PDF-Logo PDF-Logo
6. Office Order regarding extension of back period fee exemption for HCFs PDF-Logo
7. Office Order regarding exemption from depositing back fee by the Health Care facilities PDF-Logo
8. Barcodes of HCFs PDF-Logo
9. Barcodes of remaining HCFs PDF-Logo
S.No. Notices Link
1. Notice issued by RSPCB for all Health Care Facilities regarding deposition of Back Fee  PDF-Logo
S.No. Annual Reports Link
1 Annual Report- 2021 PDF-Logo
2 Annual Report- 2020 PDF-Logo
3 Annual Report- 2019 PDF-Logo
4 Annual Report- 2017 PDF-Logo